Twin Caps

Opener, cover and personalized key ring in 1.

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy! You can personalize it the way you like and find your own use for a built-in NFC chip.


IPhone charger disguised as a key ring

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

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Eaque beatae aut dolorem consequatur consequuntur sint occaecati. Laboriosam sed quod quod iusto. Voluptate velit sit ut eo

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

Opener, cover and personalized key ring in 1.

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

Opener, cover and personalized key ring in 2.

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

Opener, cover and personalized key ring in 3.

TwinCaps is a 2-size cover perfect for all standard cans. It will help you to open the can protecting your nails and later – to keep the drink clean, cold and fizzy!

Przykładowy nagłówek dla projektu Twin Caps

Reference site about Lorem Ipsum, giving information on its origins, as well as a random Lipsum generator.

Twin Caps

Marek Cieśla

Tomasz Hazar

Project Manager

Lorem ipsum – tekst składający się z łacińskich i quasi-łacińskich wyrazów, mający korzenie w klasycznej łacinie, wzorowany na fragmencie traktatu Cycerona „O granicach dobra i zła” napisanego w 45 p.n.e.

Mikołaj Dobromił

Project manager

Lorem ipsum – tekst składający się z łacińskich i quasi-łacińskich wyrazów, mający korzenie w klasycznej łacinie, wzorowany na fragmencie traktatu Cycerona.